As an enhancement to the Gamma Mu Foundation Planned Giving Program, the Board of Directors has created the John S. Chapman Legacy Society. The intent of the John S. Chapman Legacy Society is to recognize deceased members and donors and current members and donors who have indicated their intent to name the Gamma Mu Foundation in their estates.
Any charitable organization needs to depend on ongoing yearly donations, but the success and longevity of a Foundation such as ours is dramatically enhanced by bequests from donors who believe in the long-term goals of the charity. Schools, museums and other non-profits offer many ways to contribute to their overall goals and recognize those who choose to participate by including the organization in future estate planning and bequests.
Our goal is to grow the Gamma Mu Foundation Perpetual Fund, and like all charitable organizations, that long term growth can only take place if donors include the organization in bequests and future estate planning. Each year, the Gamma Mu Foundation grants and scholarship committees review requests far in excess of the dollars we are able to provide.
We know that there are many members and friends who have expressed privately to Foundation Officers their intent to name the Foundation in their estate or make other planned gift arrangements. Our purpose, through the John S. Chapman Legacy Society, is to identify those individuals and the vehicles they have already executed or are planning to execute. The option of making this information available to others or to keep it private is the decision of the donor. The “Notification of Estate Provision” form is available as a downloadable PFD under the “Downloads” link on our Home page.
We encourage you to review the information contained under the links on this page. If you need additional information please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone (1-866-463-6007) or by completing the form under “Contact Us” on our Home page. We appreciate your assistance very much.